Posts Tagged ‘seperation’


Saturday, November 7th, 2009

wow I just found this poem I wrote in eighth grade….. kind of interesting

I open my eyes and see you
Your soul so happy and filled with joy
Two peas in a pod always together
Arm in arm right by my side
Sun shinning on your soft face
Wind tousling your brown hair
Silence, laughing
Hiding in prickly bushes away from the world
Our little hideout made out of blackberries
One so sweet, one so sour
No one can touch us
Our world of dreams and fantasies

I open my ears and hear you
Voice so strong and filled with love
Now cracks with every word
Tears like rain fall from your round face
Hugging each other to make the cruel world go away
Darkness threatens to swallow us
Silence, screaming
Parents yelling, how could this be
Eyes once filled with spirit and light
Weighed down by a burden
They are taking you from me
Our last words farewell, goodbye

I open my heart and remember you
Tall white house, too many windows
peering out like eyes covered in fall leaves
Place of love now filled with sorrow
Impenetrable fort of bushes grown over, forgotten
Remember our promises, our whispered dreams
Remember our guards the ever-present red wood trees
Silence, crying
I miss your voice, I miss your laugh
I miss our time as best friends
Our dreams now forgotten
But I will always remember you

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