Posts Tagged ‘cutthroat trout’

Yellowstone: Feeding Time 2

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

This time around we watched an otter hunting in a river. It was at the same place where we hadĀ spotted the otter trio except at the first otter lodge. The otter was bobbing up and down in the water trying to get some food.

There was a whole line of photographers trying to get good pictures of it,I was just one of about ten trying to score a shot. I got to talk with a man who took photography trips to Africa. He had photographed, lions, elephants and much more. It was amazing to listen to his adventures while we waited for the otter to catch something.

The funniest part is that whenever the otter would pop up there would be a storm of camera clicks. All you could hear was people frantically pushing the button to take a photo, desperately trying to catch something interesting.

He was teasing us with his presence. He would go under and swim to one end of the river. Wait there until we all picked up our gear and walked over. As soon as we got there he would swim back upstream. We chased him around for quite some time.

We finally got our wish when the little guy popped out of the water with a Cutthroat Trout in his mouth. The whole energy fo the area was abuzz as people tried to get good pictures of it.

He was just chomping away on this fish. He was really enjoying it, for most of the time he had his eyes closed as he was eating. He, unlike the coyote, didn’t play with it, he chewed on it for a tiny bit, then swallowed it.

He almost swallowed the fish whole. It was pretty amazing. As soon as he was done, he went back to his fishing and swimming. He just slinked away in search for his next meal.