Posts Tagged ‘Full IB’

Shout Out: Philomena

Monday, November 1st, 2010

This post has been a long time coming, my shout out of the day today is Philomena! She is one of the coolest people in the world, she even has her own talk show at school called Phridays with Phil. Yes, she is that cool. She sticks with me even in my strangest of times, and loves Rocky Horror as much as me, which is quite a feat, believe me. She has sat with me in spanish for about the past three years and has gotten me through the full IB years and many golf sessions. Yes, Philomena child, you are a wonderful person and I love you!! See you in spanish 🙂


IB Orientation

Saturday, May 29th, 2010

I had the honor along with 16 other Full International Baccalaureate students to talk about the IB learner profiles in the new IB orientation welcoming ceremony for incoming Full IB students. This was the first year that Scotts Valley High decided to have a nice ceremony put together by the wonderful Mr. Crawford, Ms. Brooke, and Ms. Reiner. Thank you for a wonderful night.

I got to talk about how being reflective is an integral part of being an IB student because I was nominated by all of the teachers to portray that aspect of the learner profile. In a slightly cultish but fun manner we all went up one by one and lit a candle before we talked about the learner profiles. The other IB students handed the incoming IB students flowers in a welcoming gesture.

Luckily no one got set on fire, and everything went very well. Then everyone talked and had deserts. It was a very nice night and reminds me that being in IB is like having a big family. So… I love my IB family!