Posts Tagged ‘fragile’


Saturday, January 9th, 2010

The fragility of life
Is a very scary thing
The thought that
All you ever have worked at
Is for nothing
With just a cut
A scratch
Your life could be taken away
An accident
A slip
Could send you astray
That your life
Could all just be
Another burning ash
In a cigarette try
Just a walk
Could be your last
A fight with family
Could bring an end
So very fast
Just a word softly uttered
Could end it all
A little slip
Could wind up
Being a very big fall
Showing you that
You really are
Insignificant and small
Just a speck
In the eyes of all others
In the face of God
Every bone, every muscle
Every word
Every moment
Could be taken away
Ripped from you
With just a thought
Your world destroyed
Never to return
And no one
Would ever know
That you were gone

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