August 16th, 2013

Summer is winding down to an end and with that is a serious of desperate attempts to fill the dwindling amount of time with as many adventures as possible. Today’s mini adventure was to the Saratoga Japanese Hakone Gardens, the oldest historical Japanese tea Garden on the west coast. This small expanse of tranquil land fashioned with Japanese Maple Trees, koi filled ponds, and bamboo gardens is a luxurious little escape from the everyday.


On a clear hot day in the valley my mom and I explored just about every inch of the Hakone Gardens. The cascading waterfall was my favorite aspect of this little treasure.

A bamboo forest encloses the walkway with swaying bamboo giants being blown back and forth by the wind.






The Hakone Gardens were a great little mini adventure to have. I really enjoyed walking along the koi ponds and through the bamboo forest. Just one of a few mini adventures to come!


One Response to “Hakone Gardens”

  1. Maiya says:

    so gorgeous. can’t wait for mini adventures together soon!