September 20th, 2009

The leaves are falling
Gone in a blur
But who will remember
The fallen leaves
Each color unique
As they drift away
Forever forgotten
Gone in the breeze
The trees protectors
Forgotten, when they fall
Never to be remembered
For who they really are
When they have fallen
They freeze in the snow
Forsaken and discarded
Like an old broken toy
The trees stand bare
Believing they can stand
Forgetting the leaves
And their role in its life
Winter pushes forward
The tree cannot stand
But the leaves all fallen
Can never be returned
As the snow melts
The tree must see
Its horrible mistake
The fallen leaves lay dead
Buried by snow
Now the tree stands bitter and alone
So it grows more leaves
To replace those loyal to it
So easily forgetting its treason
But as years pass by
And seasons replay
Over and over
The tree repeats its mistake
Never learning its lesson
Cursed forever to relive its life
The leave’s revenge
For they never fall alone
Because inside they know
Each fall that passes
Has its winter in turn

Here is a very generic poem of mine, I dislike it but I have nothing else to put up currently. This is why I think classes don’t make writers… they create canned poetry. Here is some good evidence of the fact.

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