Title | 1910 Census (Morris Multer, Rose, Sam, Laura, Sadie) | |
Short Title | 1910 Census (Morris Multer) | |
Source ID | S47760 | |
Text | 1910 Census April 26, 1910 Manhattan, New York Multer (lines 89-93) 170 First Street - Morris: head of household, 34 years old, from Austria, mother/father from Austria, immigrated 1892, saloon keeper - Rosie: wife, 32 years old, from Austria, mother/father from Austria, immigrated 1892, no occupation - Sam?: son, 9 years old, no occupation - Lara: daughter, 7 years old, no occupation - Sadie: daughter, 3 years old, no occupation | |
Linked to | Rose Goldner Laura Multer Morris Multer Sadie Multer Samuel Seymour Multer |
Documents | 1910 Census (Morris Multer) 1910 Census (Morris Multer, Rose, Sam, Laura, Sadie) |