Title | 1930 Census (Samuel Multer, Cele, Gerald) | |
Short Title | 1930 Census (Samuel Multer) | |
Source ID | S47752 | |
Text | 1930 Census April 7, 1930 Brooklyn, Kings County, New York Multer (lines 20-21) 600 East 21 Street - Samuel: head, renting, $70.00/month, 29, married, married at 26 years of age, able to read & write, born in NY, parents born in Austria, occupation: lawyer, employed - Cele L (Lipman), 26, married at 23 years of age, born in NJ, parents born in Russia - Gerald: son, age 4/12, single, born in NY | |
Linked to | Cele Lipman Gerald Multer Samuel Seymour Multer |
Documents | 1930 Census (Samuel Multer) 1930 Census (Samuel Multer, Cele, Gerald) |