Posts Tagged ‘color’

Yellowstone: Antelope

Friday, March 26th, 2010

Antelopes are one of the strangest looking creatures I have encountered. They appear so alien, but at times like this, so funny. I like his blue tongue…

Anyways, I love the way they look because they just have such huge eyes and amazing color patterns.

I was afraid I wasn’t going to get to see any on my trip out to Yellowstone, but on the last day we spotted some out in a field and they wound up coming right up next to the road. We got to watch them for some time jut grazing. They really are majestic and wonderful. Even though they are so simple compared to coyotes or wolves and even buffalo I still enjoy watching them.


Saint Patrick’s Day

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

You may be wondering at this point in connection to the title, why the flowers. They aren’t green, there is no leprechaun hiding inside of it, and there is no possible way this photo can be related to Saint Patrick’s Day. My response to that would be:

You are correct. There is absolutely no correlation between Saint Patrick’s Day and this flower.

The question now remains as to way I chose this picture out of all the pictures I have (and that is quiet a collection to choose from). My answer, I don’t like Saint Patrick’s Day. To me, it is pointless, almost as pointless as connecting a totally unrelated photo to an irrelevant day.

No, a little leprechaun didn’t steal my gold or my four-leaf clover when I was little, I just never saw the point in this day. That is, until now.

It dawned on me today while I was downtown Santa Cruz just how genius of an idea Saint Patrick’s Day is. Think about it for a moment. On one day of the year, every person has been convinced to wear one color, green. As I was walking around I saw this, everyone was wearing the same color. Crowds of people all dressed in various shades of green.

These people are smart, we should pick random days throughout the year for each color. I just wonder how exactly did this idea get so deeply engraved into the mind of every man, woman, and child to wear green on March 17. I want to know the secret (I promise I won’t use it for brainwashing the random populace… well most of the time)

The power of suggestion it seems is a powerful one, or just the fear of being pinched. Who knows, at least I have somewhat more respect for Saint Patrick’s Day.

Slán go fóill


Yellowstone: Color

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Yellowstone is a beautiful place, it can be both a snowy wonderland and a snowy wasteland. While I was there I got to see both sides of the coin in numerous occasions. At many times it would just be huge stretches of white nothingness, empty and solitary. However at some moments you would see bright fields of red brush or a flower poking through the snow. You never know which side you will get, just cross your fingers for a wonderland where the color splashes across the snow. You will find me there waiting, as always for those who seek out the third path. Not black or white, but the colors that lie between.


The Final Bow

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Why is it that right before some plants die they become so beautiful? Like this one, it was so colorful yet so close to its death.

Is it to remind us what we will be missing when it finally is gone? One last bang to always remain in our minds. It is like a person’s final bow as they look at the audience, with a wide grin that speaks miles. It says

It has been a good run, through the ups and downs, the good and the bad, it all turned out. It was a good long run and now it is over. A final goodbye.

Or maybe it is a desperate plea to hold on to life. A denial of the next step. Its beauty blossoms fully, trying to make up for all the time lost and spent on other things.

But my question is, did it work?

Did all your beauty, all your effort change that the end was so near? And if not, then what was the effort for? Was it for yourself? Trying to cling on what you know you will miss forever, or one last laugh at all who laughed at you. Tell me your secrets, I am listening. To the young, the old, the living and the dead. I am listening and waiting for your answer always and forever.


Birds of Paradise

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

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Pike Place Market

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

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Pike Place Market in Seattle really was an extraordinary experience. There were so many people, so many colors, and so much life. People just offer you food, sing and laugh, it really is a place to see. There will be many more photos from here coming up so stay tuned.

Oh and a lady walked into the back of a car and whipped out. Funny but sad.

Here are some color pictures of the market. The first is a dried pepper chain, (mom bought one) and of course the classic fruit line up. I can’t wait to go back again.


University of Washington

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

We visited UW as a possible college for me and it was amazing. This campus is beautiful. They said they have 17 libraries which suits my fancy and they are right on the water. With it being fall there is so much color here and vibrancy in everything even though it is gray out. The architecture is also amazing. The building I would probably be in is called Savory which is in the most beautiful part of campus, the quad.

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After all the tours we sat down to take some creeper photos, which we had monumental fun with. Lots of interesting people with some costumes since Halloween is tomorrow.




Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

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Red is my favorite color in the world. It is so bold and in your face. When you see something red you look twice whether it is a trees fall leaves, a nice red car, a woman’s lipstick, or the bright red dress you have been wanting to buy. There always seems to be an unearthly power behind the color red, I love it, love it, to no end.

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